The OpEd Project‘s mission is to change who writes history. I’ve been a cohort since 2020.

We are a community of thought leaders, journalists, commentary writers and activists who proactively share our skills, knowledge and connections across color, creed, class, age, ability, gender, orientation, and beyond. Through our programs we elevate the ideas and knowledge of underrepresented expert voices, including women, and to accelerate solutions to the world’s biggest problems–problems that cannot be solved justly or sustainably without a diversity of voices, expertise, experience and identity. We have stunning results. We believe the best ideas, regardless of where they come from, should have a chance to be heard and to change the world.

The OpEd Project is an Echoing Green Project.

By: Anniryn Armstrong

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Managing ADHD in the time of COVID

"Before COVID, you'd have to look closely to understand that I function differently than others."
"Last month, last week, and yesterday we marched. Change needs to happen. No one should fear for their lives the moment they open their eyes."

By: Anniryn Armstrong

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Muslim Men, Take This Opportunity to Learn from Muslim Women

“For the first time in many of their lives, Muslim men can’t go to the mosque,” writes Armstrong. “Now is an ideal time for Muslim men to build empathy towards the difficulties women face while trying to practice their faith.”

By: Anniryn Armstrong

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By: Anniryn Armstrong

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“Instead of our government passing blame to China to cover their ineptitude,” writes Armstrong, “try looking to China to see what they did right.”